The purpose of a prayer shawl is to give someone a tangible example of God’s love and care. The shawl, lapghan, or blanket can be either knitted or crocheted using soft yarn. May the recipient be reminded of God’s infinite love each time they wrap
it around their soul. Every shawl is made with prayer, intention, and love. Sometimes we know who we are making the shawl for, and sometimes we don’t. We always pray for the person who receives it just the same. Upon completion of the shawl, it is blessed by one of our parish priests, and then delivered.
All are invited to join us, even those who don’t yet crochet and knit. We will teach you if you don’t know how! Put your skills to good use and join our ministry. We provide yarn and patterns.
We meet for fellowship and to knit and crochet twice a month from 10am to noon on Friday mornings in the All Purpose Room. You can create shawls at home if you are unable to attend meetings.