In the Book of Proverbs it states, "Train up a child in the way they should go and when they are old they will not depart from it." Learning to share with those in need begins at an early age. The Baskets of Hope program is designed to motivate the children of the parish to provide for others less fortunate. Six Sundays a year, the children of the parish are encouraged to bring specific items to church and personally place them in the collection box in the atrium. Items are collected, sorted, boxed and delivered to one of several locations. We have provided to shelters for homeless and runaways, as well as missions with extensive outreaches in Roxbury, Paterson, and Haiti. Volunteers are needed to contact centers, sort and box items, and deliver items to centers. We can use individuals and groups, adults and children. The purpose of this committee is to act as an outreach, bringing the love of God to others by providing for their fundamental needs.
*Volunteers working with children must fulfill "Protecting God's Children" requirements